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Version: 0.11.12

Connector Configuration File

This is a template YAML connector file that needs to be populated to be functional. In the next section, we will explore the different sections of the connector configuration file and how to properly configure each one.

apiVersion: 0.1.0


# optional (inbound connectors)
# optional
# optional
# optional

# optional (outbound connectors)
# optional
# optional

# optional
- name: secret_1

# optional
- uses: smartmodule_name
param_name: param_value

Connector apiVersion configuration

The apiVersion is the version of the connector API that the connector uses to parse the configuration file. The current accepted version is 0.1.0.

Connector meta configuration

The meta section contains the metadata for the connector:

  • The name is the name of the connector. e.g. my-connector.
  • The type is the type of the connector. e.g. http-source, http-sink, mqtt-source.
    • See the connectors section for the full list of connectors supported.
  • The version is the version of the connector. e.g. 0.1.0.
  • The topic is the topic that the connector will connect to. e.g. my-topic. The topic will be created automatically if it does not exist.
  • The secrets(optional) is a list of secrets that the connector will use. This accepts a list of objects with the key name.
    • See the [secrets] section for more information.
  • The producer(optional) is the producer configuration for the connector. Currently, this is only used for source/inbound connectors. The current supported configurations are linger, compression and batch_size. All configurations are optional. See examples to a list of valid values for each configuration.
  • The consumer(optional) is the consumer configuration for the connector. Currently, this is only used for sink/outbound connectors. The current supported configurations are id, partition, max_bytes and offset. All configurations are optional. See examples to a list of valid values for each configuration.

At minimum connector configuration would look like:

apiVersion: 0.1.0
name: my-connector
type: my-connector-type
version: x.y.z
topic: my-topic

All other fields are optional.


The x.y.z version should be updated with the version of the latest connector in the Hub.

Connector transforms configuration

Connectors support transforms. Records can be modified before they are sent to the topic. The transforms section is a list of transform objects. Each transform object has an uses and a with section.

  • uses is the reference to the SmartModule used in the transform.
  • with is the configuration for the transform


The following references will provide additional information for: