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Version: sdf-beta2

sdf test

The sdf test is a runtime command that allows you to test functions and states defined in packages. Navigate to a project directory with a sdf-package.yaml file definition, compile the package, and run sdf test. The command opens an interactive terminal that allows you to test your package components.

sdf test command

The sdf test CLI allows you to setup an environment to test your functions before deploying them in production. When functions interact with state, the test environment allows you to initialize, and view state objects as well.

>> --help
SDF - Stateful Dataflow

Usage: <COMMAND>

add Add state
show Show functions or states
test Run test
exit Stop interactive session

The test commands work inline or in an interactive mode.

add state

Augment or initialize a state object.

>> add state -h
Usage: add state --key <STATE_KEY> --value <STATE_VALUE> <STATE_NAME>


-k, --key <STATE_KEY>
-v, --value <STATE_VALUE>

The key and value format must match the schema defined by the state object.


sdf test function

Test functions inline rather than in interactive mode. Given a function that turns a string into lowercase, we'll test as follows:

$ sdf test function --input "Test" format-word
Testing package: count-words-pkg

sdf test inline command

The test command has the following hierarchy:

$ sdf test -h
Test command shell (requires sdf-package.yaml)

Usage: sdf test [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

function test functions inline

--dev set runtime to use dev mode [env: DEV=]


  • --dev - development profile to be used for building code


When writing automated tests, inline commands are preferred over the interactive mode. Use --dev flag to run a test.

To test a function that masks SSN numbers, you would run the following command:

$ sdf test --dev function mask-ssn --value "My SSN is 534-34-3443."
My SSN is ***-**-****.

The command returns a result rather than entering interactive mode.

sdf test function command

$ sdf test function -h
Usage: sdf test function [OPTIONS] --value <<VALUE>> <FN_NAME>

<FN_NAME> Function name

-v, --value <VALUE> Record value mapped to the `value` input of the function
-k, --key <KEY> Record key mapped to the `key` input of the function
-s, --state-key <STATE_KEY> The key of the state the function runner uses to look-up
state object
-o, --output <OUTPUT> Output types, where v: is value (default), and kv: is
key-value [default: v]


  • --value maps ot the input parameter of the function
  • --key maps to the optional input parameter of the function
  • --state-key asks by the engine to look-up a state
  • --output ask the engine to show values-only or key-values