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Version: 0.12.0 (stable)

Streaming Controller (SC)

Streaming Controller (SC) is the central coordinator and the authoritative entity of the cluster. It manages configuration changes, provisions SPUs, performs replica assignment, coordinates communication with external clients, and sends periodic reconciliation updates.

Architecture Components - SC

The SC leverages a Key-Value (KV) store to persist cluster object configurations.

Key-Value Store

Fluvio is designed to work seamlessly with Kubernetes and etcd KV stores. The KV interface is store agnostic and can be extended to support alternative implementations such Consul, Zookeeper, or in-memory stores.

Default Ports

SCs have a public and a private server that are attached to the following ports:

  • Public Port: 9003
  • Private Port: 9004

Core Objects

There are four core objects in a Fluvio cluster: SPU, SPU-group, Topic, and Partition. The objects follow the Kubernetes paradigm with two fields that govern the configuration: the spec and the status. Spec expresses a desired state and the status describes the current state.


SPUs spec has a unique ID, a type, an optional rack, and endpoint identifier for the API servers. SPU Id is shared across all SPU types and it must be globally unique.

spuId: 100
spuType: "Custom"
rack: "Zone1"
size: 2Gi
logDir: "/tmp/mylog"
port: 9005
- hostname: localhost
encryption: TLS
port: 9006
host: localhost
encryption: TLS

SPU status has a resolution field that monitors changes in connectivity from the SC's point of view.

resolution: online

There are two types of SPUs: managed and custom. Managed SPUs are provisioned and maintained by Fluvio, whereas custom SPUs are provisioned and managed out of band. Fluvio has the ability to support multiple managed and custom SPUs simultaneously. SPUs can be deployed in a virtually unlimited topologies across availability zones and geo-locations.

Custom SPUs

Custom SPUs are designed for Edge devices, IOT devices or custom environments where the infrastructure is managed through deployment tools such as Puppet, Chef, or Ansible. This feature is currently experimental.

Install Custom SPUs

The SC requires Custom SPUs to be registered before they are allowed to join the cluster:

  1. Register a new Custom SPU in the SC.
  2. Configure Custom SPU in a network that has connectivity with the SC.
  3. Deploy the Custom SPU.
  4. Check SPU status on the SC to see if connected successfully.

Aside from the differences in installation, all SPU types are treated the same.

Managed SPUs

Managed SPUs are groups of SPUs that are scaled independently based on user configurable replication factors. Managed SPUs are configured and owned by SPU-groups, defined below.

SPU Groups

Fluvio SPU-groups define the configuration parameters used for provisioning groups of Managed SPUs.

SPU Groups

Replica specifies the number of SPUs in a group and it can be dynamically changed:

  • if higher, new SPUs are provisioned
  • if lower, SPUs with the higher ids are terminated.

MinId is the Id of the first SPU in the replica range.

Template defines configuration parameters passed to all SPUs in the group. While there are many configuration parameters in the template section, the most relevant one in the storage/size. If no size is specified, it default to 1 gigabyte.

SPU-group Spec
replicas: 2
minId: 11
size: 2Gi
logDir: "/tmp/mylog"
port: 9005
- hostname: localhost
encryption: TLS
port: 9006
host: localhost
encryption: TLS
SPU-group Status
resolution: Reserved

SPU-group status has 3 resolutions: Init, Invalid, and Reserved. If the group is marked invalid, a reason field describes the error.


Topics define configuration parameters for data streams. A topic may have one or more partition and a replication factor. Partitions split the data into independent slices that can be managed by different SPUs. Replication factor defines the number of copies of data across SPUs.

Topic Spec
partitions: 6
replicationFactor: 3

A topic with 6 partitions and a replication factor of 3 on a new cluster generates the following distribution:

Partition Assignment

The algorithm that computes partition/replica distribution is described in the Replica Assignment section.

Fluvio also supports manual partition/replica distribution through a replica assignment file. The file format is described in the Topics CLI section.

Topic Status
resolution: Provisioned
- 0: [0, 1, 2]
- 1: [1, 2, 0]
- 2: [2, 1, 0]
- 3: [0, 1, 2]
- 4: [1, 2, 0]
- 5: [2, 1, 0]

Resolution reflects the status of topic:

  • Init - topic is initializing.
  • Pending - configuration is valid, topic is provisioning SPUs for replica map.
  • InsufficientResources - replica map cannot be created due to lack of SPUs.
  • InvalidConfig - invalid configuration (for manual replica assignment).
  • Provisioned - topic is successfully allocated.

If an errors occurs reason field describes the cause of the error.

Replica Map defines the partition/replica distribution. The first number is the partition index and the array is a list the SPUs with the leader in first position.

In this example, 4: [1, 2, 0] defines:

  • a partition index 4
  • a list of SPUs
    • SPU 1 is the leader.
    • SPU 0 and SPU 2 are followers.


When a new topic is created, the SC performs Replica Assignment to generate the partitions:

  1. generate a partition map and store in the topic status,
  2. create a partition object for each row in the partition map,
  3. assign each partition to the SPU leader.

SC is responsible for the configuration in the Partition Spec and the SPU leader is responsible for the Partition Status.

Partition Spec
initialLeader: 101
replicas: [101, 102]

The SC defines replica assignment and the SPU initial leader. After initial allocation, the SC notifies SPU leader and followers of the new partition.

Partition Status
leader: 101
lrs: [101, 102]

SPU leader is responsible for managing Live Replicas (lrs) and other data streaming related parameters.

Replica management, election, and all other status fields are documented in the SPU Architecture section.


SC design is an event driven architecture that captures cluster changes and keeps the SPUs and the Key-Value store synchronized.

SC Workflows

The SC uses a common workflow to process all event types:

  1. Readers
    • capture incoming events
    • invoke Metadata Dispatcher
  2. Metadata Dispatcher
    • saves events metadata in local store
    • invokes a Controller
  3. Controllers
    • each controller applies object centric business logic
    • generate actions
  4. Action Dispatcher
    • distributes actions
  5. Updaters
    • formats actions
    • sends update to external entity
Local Store

Metadata dispatcher maintains a Local Store of read-only objects types that mirror the KV store. Objects in the local store can only be updated by KV Store requests. The local store is utilized by Controllers to transform events into the actions.


SPU, Topic, and Partition Controllers run independently and manage the workflows for their designated objects.

SPU Controller

SPU Controller listens for SPU events from KV store and events from Connection Manager.

SPU Controller
  • Add SPU

    SPU controller creates an action to add SPU to the Connection Manager.

  • Modify SPU

    SPU controller creates an action to update SPU in the Connection Manager.

  • Delete SPU

    SPU controller creates an action to delete SPU from the Connection Manager.

  • Online/Offline

    When connection status changes, the controller creates an action to update SPU resolution status in the KV store.

Topic Controller

Topic Controller listens for Topic and SPU events from KV store.

Topic Controller
  • Add Topic

    Topic controller creates an action to update Topic status resolution to Init in the KV store.

  • Modify Topic

    For topics with status resolution Init or Invalid, the controller validates partition and replication configuration parameters. Upon validation, the controller:

    • Params OK - creates an action to update Topic status resolution to Pending in KV store.
    • Params Invalid - creates an action to update Topic status resolution to Invalid in KV store.

    For topics with status resolution Pending or InsufficientResources, the controller checks if the number SPUs meets the replication factor. Upon validation, the controller:

    • SPUs Ok - generates a Replica Map and creates the following actions for the KV Store:

      • an action to update status resolution to Provisioned and replicaMap to Replica Map.
      • an action to create a new Partition for each entry in the Replica Map.
    • Not enough SPUs - creates an action to update Topic status resolution to InsufficientResources in KV store.

  • Add SPU

    Topic controller selects all topics with status resolution in Pending or InsufficientResources and generates a new Replica Map.

    • for each topic with a new Replica Map, the controller creates 2 actions for the KV Store:

      • an action to update status resolution to Provisioned and replicaMap to Replica Map.
      • an action to create a new Partition for each entry in the Replica Map.

Partition Controller

Partition Controller listens for Partition and SPU events from KV store and events from Connection Manager.

Partition Controller
  • Add Partition

    Partition controller creates the following actions:

    • action to add Partition to the Connection Manager.
    • action to update Partition status resolution to Offline in KV store.
  • Modify Partition

    Partition controller creates an action to update Partition spec in the Connection Manager.

  • Delete Partition

    Partition controller creates an action to delete Partition spec from the Connection Manager.

  • Modify SPU

    Partition controller checks if SPU status changed from Online -> Offline and it retrieves all Partitions that with the SPU is the leader.

    • for each partition, the controller computes a new leader candidates. Upon completion, the controller:

      • leader computed: creates an action to update leader of Partition Status in Connection Manager.
      • no suitable leader found: creates action to update Partition status resolution to Offline in KV store.

    Partition controller checks if SPU status changed from Offline -> Online and it retrieves all Partitions with status resolution Offline.

    • for each partition where this SPU is not the leader, the controller checks if the SPU eligible to become leader.

      • SPU eligible: the controller creates an action to update Partition status leader to the SPU id in KV store.
      • SPU not suitable to be leader: the controllers leaves leave partition unchanged.
  • Change LRS

    Partitions controller receives Live Replicas (LRS) updates form Connection Manager. The matching Partition is updated in the KV store with the following action:

    • Update Partition status: action to update Partition status resolution to Online, leader to LRS.leader and replica to LRS.replica.

Connection Manager

Connection Manager (CM) is an SC Server module responsible for the connections between SC and SPUs. The CM only accepts connections from registered SPUs.

Connection Setup

A connection is established in the following sequence:

Connection Manager
  • SPU Controller sends add SPU spec to CM.
  • Partition Controller sends add Partitions to CM
  • CM saves SPU and Partitions in local cache.
  • SPU requests a connection authorization.
  • CM authorizes registered SPUs and rejects all others.
  • CM sends authorization accepted to SPU.
  • CM saves connection stream in local cache.
  • CM notifies all relevant Controllers to change SPU status to online
  • CM sends SPU Spec and Partition Specs relevant to the SPU.
  • CM receives continuous LRS updates from all SPUs in the cluster.

After the connection is established, both endpoints can initiate requests.

Connection Failure

If the connection drops is due to network failures or SPU going offline, the CM takes the following remediation steps:

  • CM removes connection stream from local cache.
  • CM notifies all relevant controllers that SPU status is offline.

When the SPU come back online it initiates a new connection as described in the Connection Setup section.

Live Replica (LRS) Updates

Live Replicas (LRS) are continuous updates sent by leader SPUs to the CM to report changes in replica status. The CM forwards the requests to relevant Controllers for processing.