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Version: 0.12.0 (stable)


Partitions are the unit of parallelism accessed independently by producers and consumers within a topic.

Each record stored in a partition is given an offset, starting from zero and monotonically increasing by one for each new record.

Once a record is committed to a partition and an offset is assigned to it, the offset in that partition will always refer to that record. Because of this, all records that are sent to a given partition are guaranteed to remain ordered in the order they were committed.

Partitions are configuration objects managed by the system. Topics and partitions are linked through a parent-child relationship. The partition generation algorithm is described in the SC Architecture.

If a topic is deleted, all associated partitions are automatically removed.

Producing with Multiple Partitions

When producing records to a Topic that has multiple partitions, there are two cases to consider when determining the partitioning behavior. These cases are:

  • When producing a record that has a key, and
  • When producing a record that has no key
Key/value records

When producing records with keys, the producers will use hash partitioning, where the partition number is derived from the hash of the record's key. This is used to uphold the golden rule of key-based partitioning:

Records with the same key are always sent to the same partition

The current implementation of key hashing uses the sip-2-4 hashing algorithm, but that is subject to change in the future.

Records with no keys

When producing records with no keys, producers will simply assign partition numbers to incoming records in a round-robin fashion, spreading the load evenly across the available partitions.

Consuming with Multiple Partitions

Currently, consumers are limited to reading from one partition at a time. This means that in order to read all records from a given topic, it may be necessary to instantiate one consumer per partition in the topic.

Add Partitions to a Topic

Even topics already created can have new partitions added to them, allowing more parallelism and higher throughput, but also using more disk space.

Adding a partition will not rebalance the data from the existing partitions. The rebalancing will happen naturally after the records age.